Photo to Pencil Sketch

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Photo to Pencil Sketch
This tutorial will show you how to easily transform a photograph to a pencil sketch using only Photoshop's built in tools and filters.

Photo to Pencil Sketch

Step 1 You need to start off with a good quality image Crop the image so you have not much more than the face Image>Image Size – set the width to 1000, auto height

Duplicate the layer Rename this layer ‘base’ Duplicate the layer Step 2 Image>Adjustments>Desaturate Duplicate the layer Step 3 Image>Adjustments>Invert (Ctrl + I) Set the layer mode to Color Dodge (you will see very little on the screen right now – don’t panic!) Filter>Other>Minimum – apply the following settings:

Step 4Set the opacity of base copy 2 layer to 85% Set the opacity of base copy layer to 68% With base copy 2 layer active Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur – apply the following settings:

This setting is totally dependent on the image you are working with – set the blur to whatever looks good Step 5Make the base layer active Filter>Brush Strokes>Sprayed Strokes – apply the following settings:

Click on the new layer icon at the bottom of the filter gallery screen as indicated in the screenshot above Select Angled Strokes and apply the following settings:

Step 6Duplicate the base layer Image>Adjustments>Desaturate Lower the layer opacity to 40% Add a layer mask by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the layers palette Select a soft, round brush and mask out the eyes and the lips to make them brighter
Step 7Make the base layer active Select the Brush tool, set the opacity to around 35%, foreground colour black Paint over the areas that are showing too much colour, ie the red speckles on the rim of the hat – you may have to go over this a few times until you are happy with the result The image below shows before (in the frames) and after painting and masking:

The finished project:
Photo to Pencil Sketch

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