applying the unsharp Mask filter
The last task you might want to do when retouching a photo is to apply the
Unsharp Mask filter. The Unsharp Mask filter adjusts the contrast of the edge detail
and creates the illusion of a more focused image.
1 Choose Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask.
2 In the Unsharp Mask dialog box, make
sure that Preview is selected so you can
see the effect of settings you adjust in the
image window.
You can drag inside the preview window in
the dialog box to see different parts of the
image, or use the plus and minus buttons
below the thumbnail to zoom in and out.
3 Drag the Amount slider to about 70% to
sharpen the image.
4 Drag the Radius slider to determine the
number of pixels surrounding the edge
pixels that will affect the sharpening. The
higher the resolution, the higher the Radius setting should be. (We used the
default value, 1.0 pixel.)
5 (Optional) Adjust the Threshold slider. This determines how different the
sharpened pixels must be from the surrounding area before they are considered
edge pixels and subsequently sharpened by the Unsharp Mask filter. The default
Threshold value of 0 sharpens all pixels in the image. Try a different value, such
as 2 or 3.
6 When you’re satisfied with the
results, click OK to apply the
Unsharp Mask filter.
7 Choose File > Save.
about unsharp masking
Unsharp masking, or USM, is a traditional film-compositing technique used to
sharpen edges in an image. The Unsharp Mask filter corrects blurring introduced
during photographing, scanning, resampling, or printing. It’s useful for images
intended for both print and online viewing.
Unsharp Mask locates pixels that differ from surrounding pixels by the threshold
you set and increases the pixels’ contrast by the amount you specify. In addition,
you can adjust the radius of the region to which each pixel is compared.
The effects of the Unsharp Mask filter are far more pronounced onscreen than they
are in high-resolution output. If your final destination is print, experiment to determine
which settings work best for your image.
The last task you might want to do when retouching a photo is to apply the
Unsharp Mask filter. The Unsharp Mask filter adjusts the contrast of the edge detail
and creates the illusion of a more focused image.
1 Choose Filter > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask.
2 In the Unsharp Mask dialog box, make
sure that Preview is selected so you can
see the effect of settings you adjust in the
image window.
You can drag inside the preview window in
the dialog box to see different parts of the
image, or use the plus and minus buttons
below the thumbnail to zoom in and out.
3 Drag the Amount slider to about 70% to
sharpen the image.
4 Drag the Radius slider to determine the
number of pixels surrounding the edge
pixels that will affect the sharpening. The
higher the resolution, the higher the Radius setting should be. (We used the
default value, 1.0 pixel.)
5 (Optional) Adjust the Threshold slider. This determines how different the
sharpened pixels must be from the surrounding area before they are considered
edge pixels and subsequently sharpened by the Unsharp Mask filter. The default
Threshold value of 0 sharpens all pixels in the image. Try a different value, such
as 2 or 3.
6 When you’re satisfied with the
results, click OK to apply the
Unsharp Mask filter.
7 Choose File > Save.
about unsharp masking
Unsharp masking, or USM, is a traditional film-compositing technique used to
sharpen edges in an image. The Unsharp Mask filter corrects blurring introduced
during photographing, scanning, resampling, or printing. It’s useful for images
intended for both print and online viewing.
Unsharp Mask locates pixels that differ from surrounding pixels by the threshold
you set and increases the pixels’ contrast by the amount you specify. In addition,
you can adjust the radius of the region to which each pixel is compared.
The effects of the Unsharp Mask filter are far more pronounced onscreen than they
are in high-resolution output. If your final destination is print, experiment to determine
which settings work best for your image.
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