Mitigation contours with photoshop

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Mitigation contours with photoshop
Here's a great way to give your images a sense moin color more dynamic and pro

Open your image in Photoshop and import

Mitigation contours with photoshop,Mitigation contours,contours with photoshop,Mitigation ,

Then go to Menu> Image> Adjustments> Auto Levels

Mitigation contours with photoshop,Mitigation contours,contours with photoshop,Mitigation ,

Now we will change the saturation of the image to this go to Menu> Image> Adjustments> Hue / Saturation change here only the saturation to -60

Mitigation contours with photoshop,Mitigation contours,contours with photoshop,Mitigation ,

Mitigation contours with photoshop,Mitigation contours,contours with photoshop,Mitigation ,

Now duplicate your layer Ctrl - J

Mitigation contours with photoshop,Mitigation contours,contours with photoshop,Mitigation ,

Then go to Menu> Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur Set a radius of 5 pixels

Mitigation contours with photoshop,Mitigation contours,contours with photoshop,Mitigation ,

Finally switch the blending mode to Overlay and reduce the opacity to 70%

Mitigation contours with photoshop,Mitigation contours,contours with photoshop,Mitigation ,

And here is the result

Mitigation contours with photoshop,Mitigation contours,contours with photoshop,Mitigation ,Mitigation contours with photoshop,Mitigation contours,contours with photoshop,Mitigation ,

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