replacing colors in an image

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replacing colors in an image

Use the Color Replacement tool to paint over one color with another. When you
start painting with the Color Replacement tool, it analyzes the first pixels you paint
over. Because it then only replaces pixels of a similar color, you don’t have to be
terribly precise as you paint. You can select settings that determine whether the
tool paints over contiguous or discontiguous pixels, and how much color difference
the tool accepts.

You’ll use the Color Replacement tool to change the color of the child’s cap in the
image of the playground.
1 Zoom in to see the child’s cap clearly.
2 Select the Color Replacement tool ( ) in the Tools panel, hidden behind the
   Brush tool ( ).

3 Click the Foreground Color swatch in the Tools panel. In the Color Picker,
   select a shade of green. We selected an RGB color with the values R=49, G=184,
   and B=6.
You’ll paint the foreground color over the red hat.

4 In the options bar, open the Brush pop-up
   panel to view brush options.
5 Move the Size slider to 13 pixels, the
   Hardness slider to 40%, and the Spacing
   slider to 25%. Choose Off from the Size and
   Tolerance menus.

6 In the options bar, choose Hue from the Mode menu. Then click Sampling:
   Continous ( ) (the button next to the Hue menu). Choose Find Edges from the
   Limits menu, and set the Tolerance to 32%. Make sure Anti-Alias is selected.
7 Begin painting in the middle of the hat, and paint out toward the edges.

8 Choose a smaller brush, if you like, and continue painting out towards the edges
   of the hat. You can zoom in if needed.
9 When the hat is green, save the file.

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