Checking for updates

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Checking for updates

Adobe periodically provides updates to software. You can easily obtain these
updates through Adobe Application Manager, as long as you have an active
Internet connection.
1 In Photoshop, choose Help > Updates. Adobe Application Manager
   automatically checks for updates available for your Adobe software.
2 In the Adobe Application Manager dialog box, select the updates you want
   to install, and then click to install them.

Changing interface settings

By default, the panels, dialog boxes, and background in Photoshop CS6 are dark.
You can lighten the interface or make other changes in the Photoshop Preferences
dialog box.

To make changes:
1 Choose Edit > Preferences > Interface (Windows) or Photoshop > Preferences >
   Interface (Mac OS).
2 Select a different color theme, or make other changes.
   When you select a different theme, you can see the changes immediately. You can
   also select specific colors for different screen modes and change other interface
   settings in this dialog box.
3 When you’re satisfied with the changes, click OK.

review questions
1 Describe two types of images you can open in Photoshop.
2 How do you open image files using Adobe Bridge?
3 How do you select tools in Photoshop?
4 Describe two ways to change your view of an image.
5 What are two ways to get more information about Photoshop?
review answers
1 You can scan a photograph, transparency, negative, or graphic into the program;
capture a digital video image; or import artwork created in a drawing program. You
can also import digital photos.
2 Choose File > Browse In Bridge in Photoshop to jump to Bridge. Then, locate the image
file you want to open, and double-click its thumbnail to open it in Photoshop.
3 Click a tool in the Tools panel, or press the tool’s keyboard shortcut. A selected tool
remains active until you select a different tool. To select a hidden tool, either use a
keyboard shortcut to toggle through the tools, or hold down the mouse button on the
tool in the Tools panel to open a pop-up menu of the hidden tools.
4 Choose commands from the View menu to zoom in on or out from an image, or to fit it
onscreen, or use the zoom tools and click or drag over an image to enlarge or reduce the
view. You can also use keyboard shortcuts or the Navigator panel to control the display
of an image.
5 The Photoshop Help system includes full information about Photoshop features plus
keyboard shortcuts, task-based topics, and illustrations. Photoshop also includes a link
to the Adobe Systems Photoshop web page for additional information on services,
products, and tips pertaining to Photoshop.

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